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  • Etapa 8

    Posted by Imran-Toolbox-Technical on mayo 15, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    To fully deliver a successful sustainability program, it is important to report and communicate successes, challenges and learnings to your team and stakeholders. After all, your organization should proudly shout out all the great impactful work it has been doing!

    By reporting at the end of each cycle – and communicating periodically in between reporting – you can keep your stakeholders up to date with progress on your sustainability objectives under defined reporting principles and aligned with industry standards and your target audience.

    Jen replied 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Isaac (Toolbox Support)

    mayo 15, 2024 at 7:31 pm

    Hello! Reports, events, social media, the lsit goes on. let’s hear some of the ways your organisations effectively communicate sustainability efforts and
    achievements with internal and external stakeholders.

    • Jen

      mayo 17, 2024 at 1:53 pm

      We are a bakery that serves our local community and caters for winder events and other partners. For us, we didn’t feel a full corporate sustainability report was absolutely necessary, yet we still wanted to communicate to our stakeholders the great work we’ve been doing for people and the planet transparently and authenticly. For us social media and engaging storytelling at our premises was key to this, we created a short video leaning on the skills of one of our exisiting employees and visual graphics in a framed poster for the shop. Simple and to the point was the way we brought our sustainability initiatives and progress to life to resonate with our diverse audiences.

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