ACCUEIL Forums English Étape 1

  • Étape 1

    Posted by Imran-Toolbox-Technical on mai 15, 2024 à 6:19 pm

    When starting any project or program the hardest thing is getting going. Kickstarting your sustainability strategy, Step 1 invites you to reflect on your organization’s activities and operations, thinking big picture about where you are and where you want to be. Going through a process of reflection and discovery to inform how you’ll get off the mark, this step will help you set off down the right path and make the best start that’s right for your organization

    Jen répondu Il y a 4 mois 3 Membres · 2 Réponses
  • 2 Réponses
  • Isaac (Toolbox Support)

    mai 15, 2024 à 7:28 pm

    Hey members! Let’s get the conversation going. I’m interested to hear what you think are some key indicators you could use to assess the current sustainability performance of a business?

  • Jen

    mai 17, 2024 à 1:57 pm

    Some of our indicators include energy consumption (both direct and indirect) and carbon emissions intensity. We have a big focus on going circular, so for reducing waste generation per unit and water usage per unit was also a good way for us to measure our impact. Of course in an economic fashion cost savings were a vital KPI and thinking about people we wanted to see customer satisfaction increase too.

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