March Updates

Updated Climate action tracker

The Toolbox Climate Action Tracker is the tool that brings together the tracking and assessment of your climate action plan. As a dashboard, you can use it to refer to your impact and carbon reduction progress year after year and project forward to see how your actions align with global goals of net zero by 2050. The tracker lets you demonstrate to external auditors or certifiers that you understand and are in control of reducing your climate impact to the standard you seek to achieve or maintain. 

This month we have updated the tracker:

  • The Documents Register is where you can store all references and documents relevant to the delivery of your climate action strategy.
  • The Process tab helps you define a task list for your climate action strategy.
  • The Inventory Boundaries tab lets you outline what will be monitored and tracked for each reporting cycle.
  • The Climate Pathway – Actions tab allows you to track the initiatives and changes you have made over the year. 

The Climate Pathway – Graphs tab allows you to visualize your organization’s trajectory to a simplified net zero pathway.

Website Changes

Over February, The Toolbox team has been busy adapting the layout of our website.
We received feedback from Toolbox users that finding specific resources in their desired language could be more intuitive.

 You can now access each language from the ENG, FRA, and ESP subfolders in Steps 1 through 8. This new pathway makes it easier to access resources in your desired language, no matter the language you read the website. 

Check out how we have centralized the resources platform above

World Seagrass Day

March 1, 2023 is the first-ever World Seagrass Day. This inaugural annual international day seeks to raise awareness about the importance of seagrass meadows in supporting the health of the world’s oceans and coastlines.

Seagrass meadows grow underwater in shallow coastal waters and provide a crucial habitat for a diverse range of marine species, including fish, crustaceans, and sea turtles. Seagrass also plays a vital role in storing carbon, regulating water quality, and protecting shorelines from erosion.

Despite these various ecological services, seagrass meadows worldwide are under threat from pollution, climate change, and coastal development. This UN event encourages individuals and organizations to take action to protect and restore seagrass habitats.

To participate in World Seagrass Day, you can take action throughout March. Individuals and organizations can organize events such as beach clean-ups, seagrass planting activities, and educational workshops. The UN also encourages individuals to share information about seagrass on social media using the hashtag #WorldSeagrassDay.